Sat 15 Apr 2023 8:48 pm - Jerusalem Time

A Saudi passenger plane was hit by gunshots at Khartoum Airport

A Saudi Arabian Airlines passenger plane was damaged by gunfire Saturday at the airport in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum , which is witnessing fierce fighting, the Saudi national airline announced.

And the "Saudi Arabia" company said that the Airbus A330 plane "was exposed to gunfire at Khartoum International Airport while it was preparing for the return flight ... with the crew and guests on board heading to Riyadh this morning, as it was damaged."

The company did not report any casualties, explaining that "it was confirmed that all members of the plane's crew had arrived at the embassy in Sudan."

The statement added, "The planes that were in the air (over Sudan) were returned and flights to and from Sudan were suspended in order to preserve the safety of the guests and the flight crew."

On Saturday, clashes erupted between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, especially at Khartoum Airport, killing at least three civilians.


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A Saudi passenger plane was hit by gunshots at Khartoum Airport