Wed 17 May 2023 10:28 am - Jerusalem Time
The United Nations from Abu Ammar's speech to Abu Mazen's speech!!

Many years ago, Abu Ammar delivered an important speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations. Dozens of delegation heads came to exchange peace and greetings with Abu Ammar.
Long years passed and nothing of what Abu Ammar demanded was achieved, until President Abu Mazen came to deliver a speech at the United Nations on May 15, the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, and he also demanded recognition of our right to self-determination for our people so that peace and security can be achieved in the region. With phrases and terminology that will remain in memory, including his saying, “O people, O world, protect us,” and singled out Britain and the United States for bearing direct political and moral responsibility for the plight of our people, and Britain since it issued the Balfour Declaration and America has been since the establishment of Israel until today and is the supporter and supporter of everything that a state requires Occupation.
Abu Ammar had announced on November 15, 1988, during the meeting of the National Council in the Pine Palace in the Algerian capital, the establishment of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital, but the occupation still exists and is constantly expanding. The gates of the Old City of Jerusalem, as confirmed by their Prime Minister Netanyahu, after there were possibilities to cancel it.
President Abu Mazen said in his last speech that there are 70 UN resolutions and not one of them has been implemented, which confirms what is known that UN resolutions are mere ink on paper in most cases and are of no value if those concerned do not have effective military and political power. implement it.
In any case, the resolutions and positions of the United Nations have moral importance, as they raise our issue with world public opinion, but the most important of all is our internal strength and positions, and the most important thing that has been required and known for several years is the restoration of national unity between the West Bank and Gaza and standing together. In this case, it may seem necessary to hold presidential and legislative elections so that the restoration of unity is a popular and deep-rooted decision.. Is anyone listening?!
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The United Nations from Abu Ammar's speech to Abu Mazen's speech!!