

Sun 04 Aug 2024 10:19 am - Jerusalem Time

Diary of a People Defying Death

The Palestinian people record their daily struggles and struggles on the blackboard of history, which they write with golden ink, as they perform their duty of loyalty towards the homeland. The convoys of martyrs, wounded, prisoners and patients continue to trickle down, as a result of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Hardly a day goes by without the history of this people being devoid of martyrs who water the pure soil and soil of the homeland with their pure blood.

Yesterday, Tulkarm presented nine martyrs who fell victim to two treacherous air strikes carried out by the occupation aircraft, just as it did in its bombing of two schools crowded with displaced people, namely Al-Hamamah and Al-Huda, in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood west of Gaza City, which led to the martyrdom of seventeen citizens and the injury of dozens.

These convoys of martyrs that pass daily are offered by the Palestinian people as a token of love, sacrifice and belonging to the homeland. They are the tax paid by those who believe in the inevitability of victory and justice that must prevail in the end. The diary of this people will remain firmly rooted and engraved in the minds, so that the sons and grandchildren may draw inspiration from it with the message of steadfastness, defiance and resistance, as they urge their steps to take the initiative to take the helm of leadership, because it is difficult for them to withdraw from this challenge, through which Israel seeks to obliterate the national, cultural, religious and civilisational landmarks of our people, in an attempt to pass the Zionist project, the Hebrew state and to violate everything that is Palestinian. However, the youth of tomorrow are capable of confronting and standing in the face of all Zionist attempts and ambitions.

The daily life of the Palestinian people who defy death and are not afraid of it at all, is a daily life that inspires pride and honor for all our people, wherever they are, as yesterday the largest and most extensive campaign of solidarity with the issue of Gaza, the aggression against it, the prisoners, and the fierce Israeli attack against them was expressed, which raises and increases the value of awareness in the memory of this people who cannot give up their national constants that strengthen their struggle to obtain all their rights, foremost of which is the right of return and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Betting on failure, fatigue, surrender and withdrawal is a failed Israeli and American bet, through waving what is called military pressure and boasting about assassinating Palestinians, because the resistance and our people behind it have set the best examples of steadfastness, despite the catastrophes, crises, hunger, disease, martyrdom, the demolition of homes, the lack of services and aid, the interruption of water and electricity, and the journey of displacement that confirms the permanent catastrophe of our people that has not stopped since 1948. The sending of a delegation from the Mossad and the Shabak to Cairo yesterday is nothing but a new Israeli maneuver by Netanyahu, who does not want a ceasefire at all, but rather to continue the aggression, in the hope that our people will raise the white flag, but that will not happen even if the war continues for decades.

Israel is well aware that it is waging a war of revenge against the Palestinian people and is continuing it in an attempt to exterminate the largest possible number of Palestinians, whom the world today looks at silently without moving a finger to stop this extermination. There is no longer any way for our people after all doors and windows have been closed to them and despite the calls for help, their diary will not be closed and will remain wide open to record more martyrs, wounded and prisoners daily, until relief comes from the heavens.


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Diary of a People Defying Death