Mon 15 Apr 2024 8:16 pm - Jerusalem Time

CBS Poll: A record decline in Americans’ support for Biden’s position on the Gaza war

The results of a CBS News poll indicated that only 33% of Americans support President Joe Biden's position in support of Israel in the Gaza war.

The channel said: “An increasing number of Americans want President Biden to push Israel to stop the fighting in the Gaza Strip. Support for Biden’s position on this issue has reached its lowest levels.”

It added that the support index decreased to 33% from 44% with the escalation in the Middle East in October 2023.

At the same time, 66% of Americans believe that the reason for the bad situation in the United States is due to the American economy and not to external events, while 72% of Americans believe that the reason for this is the political situation inside the country.


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CBS Poll: A record decline in Americans’ support for Biden’s position on the Gaza war