Tue 19 Sep 2023 1:47 pm - Jerusalem Time

Palestinian movement (Hamas) calls on Palestinian Presidency to release political detainees

Today, Tuesday, the Hamas movement called on the Presidency of the Palestinian Authority and the security services to immediately release all political detainees and stop continuing their detention.

In a statement, Hamas called on the authority to stop persecuting the resistance and the resistors, and to adhere to the choice of the Palestinian people to confront the occupation that races day and night to displace our people. According to the text of its statement.

Hamas warned what it described as the "influential movement" in power against continuing what it called its "national crime," stressing that our people's self-defense is a legitimate right that will continue as long as the occupation remains perched on our land and our sanctities. As stated in the text of its statement.


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Palestinian movement (Hamas) calls on Palestinian Presidency to release political detainees