Wed 12 Apr 2023 4:14 pm - Jerusalem Time

"Hamas" condemns the occupation's prevention of Christians in Gaza from reaching Jerusalem

Hamas condemned, on Wednesday, in the strongest terms, the Israeli occupation authorities’ prevention of Palestinian Christian citizens in the Gaza Strip from accessing Christian holy sites in Jerusalem to celebrate Easter, by canceling their travel permits.

In a statement, Hamas considered that decision as racial discrimination and a restriction on the Palestinians' freedom of access to their holy places, and a flagrant violation of the most basic rules of international humanitarian law by depriving them of freedom of movement and depriving them of practicing religious rites. as she said.

She called on the international community to assume its legal and moral responsibilities towards ensuring the Palestinians' freedom of access to their holy places, and to pressure the occupation authorities to respect international laws and norms that guarantee citizens under occupation freedom of movement and freedom to practice religious rites, calling for the condemnation of the occupation's crimes and violations, and for its leaders to be held accountable and not with impunity.


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"Hamas" condemns the occupation's prevention of Christians in Gaza from reaching Jerusalem