Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:31 pm - Jerusalem Time

A return to the students of Jabal Al-Mukaber.. Stand-ups in Jerusalem against attempts to impose the occupation's curriculum

Al-Quds - "Al-Quds" dot com - Today, Saturday, in occupied Jerusalem , students organized vigils to denounce attempts to impose the Israeli curriculum on Jerusalemite schools.

A protest stand was organized for the parents of the students of faith schools in Beit Hanina, raising slogans denouncing the attempts of "Educationalization" in the Holy City.

The students of the town of Silwan, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, also organized a similar stand, during which they affirmed the right of their children to obtain the Palestinian curriculum and transportation.

Dozens of students’ families flocked in front of the schools of Silwan in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood, demanding the provision of services and safe ways to reach schools, as well as affirming the right of their children to teach the Palestinian curriculum and rejecting any attempts to substitute the distorted Israeli curriculum for it.

In the context, the students of Jabal Al Mukaber schools returned to their schools after 3 days of strike due to the occupation policies to stop transportation for students.

The students, through their strike, with the support of the teaching staff and parents, forced the occupation to retract its decision to deny 600 students out of 1,200 the use of transportation to reach their schools.


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A return to the students of Jabal Al-Mukaber.. Stand-ups in Jerusalem against attempts to impose the occupation's curriculum