Wed 08 Nov 2023 10:31 am - Jerusalem Time

Winston Churchill's grandson: Pro-Palestinian march planned for the weekend "must go ahead"‼️

The grandson of former UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill said during a program on LBC Radio: “The pro-Palestinian march planned for the Armistice Day weekend must go ahead.”

Winston Churchill's grandson, Lord Nicholas Soames, said: "Whether you may not agree with their views would be very controversial and difficult, but banning this march would put enormous pressure on the police, so I think it should be allowed to go ahead."

Lord Nicholas Soames' comments come as the Metropolitan Police continues to confirm that, at this moment, the march will be allowed to go ahead on Saturday, as the police have not yet met the "evidence threshold" to ban it.

Lord Nicholas Soames explained that pro-Palestine demonstrators would be in the street to express a profound point of view, and said: “I think it would be a great mistake to introduce politics to prevent the march scheduled to take place next Saturday.”

He added: "The pro-Palestine marches are not hate marches, as the British Home Secretary described them."

It is noteworthy that the London Metropolitan Police are under pressure to ban the march scheduled to be carried out next Saturday, November 11, 2023, because it coincides with Armistice Day, which is a celebratory day on November 11 of each year to commemorate the armistice signed between the Allies in World War I and Kaiser Germany in French Compiègne. 


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Winston Churchill's grandson: Pro-Palestinian march planned for the weekend "must go ahead"‼️