

Wed 04 Dec 2024 1:32 pm - Jerusalem Time

1396 attacks carried out by Israeli occupation and its settlers in November

The head of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission, Minister Mu'ayyad Shaaban, said that the Israeli occupation forces and settlers carried out 1,396 attacks during last November, in a continuation of the ongoing series of terrorism by the occupation state against the Palestinian people, their lands and their properties.

Shaaban explained in the commission's monthly report, today, Wednesday, that the party represented by the occupation army carried out 1086 attacks, while the settlers carried out 310 attacks, and the total attacks were concentrated in the governorates of Ramallah with 273 attacks, Hebron with 253 attacks, and Nablus Governorate with 204 attacks.

He pointed out that the attacks ranged from armed attacks on Palestinian villages to imposing facts on the ground, field executions, vandalism, bulldozing of land, uprooting of trees, seizure of property, closures and barriers that sever the ties of Palestinian geography.

A dangerous ongoing wave of terrorism by the colonists' militia

Shaaban explained that the settlers' attacks, which amounted to 310 attacks, were concentrated in the Ramallah Governorate with 77 attacks, the Hebron Governorate with 73 attacks, the Nablus Governorate with 63 attacks, and the Salfit Governorate with 34 attacks.

He added that the settlers tried to establish 8 new settlement outposts, mostly of a pastoral nature, in the governorates of Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus and Jericho.

Shaaban explained that the settlers' attacks during the current olive season, which began early last October, continued to escalate and target citizens in all Palestinian territories, with clear intent by the occupying state, which has empowered the settlers' armed militia to force citizens to back down from completing the season.

He added that the settlers' attacks resulted in the uprooting, damage, sabotage, poisoning and burning of a total of 1,806 trees, including 1,762 olive trees, through 42 attacks. These attacks were concentrated in the governorates of Nablus and Ramallah with 10 attacks, then the governorates of Hebron and Bethlehem with 7 attacks.

It seized 177 dunums of citizens' land.

Shaaban said that the occupation authorities seized 177 dunums of citizens’ lands in Salfit and Nablus last November through two military orders. The first was an expropriation order that targeted 166 dunums of Salfit Governorate lands, while the second order targeted Nablus Governorate lands through declaring 10 dunums of Burin village lands as state lands.

52 facilities demolished and 23 others notified to demolish

Shaaban pointed out that the occupation authorities carried out 52 demolition operations last November, which affected 63 facilities, including 27 inhabited homes, 2 uninhabited ones, and 17 agricultural facilities and others. They were concentrated in the Jerusalem governorates, with the demolition of 26 facilities, then the Hebron governorates with 10 facilities, and Nablus with 7 facilities. He indicated that the occupation authorities distributed 23 demolition notices for Palestinian facilities, concentrated in the Qalqilya governorate with 10 notices, then the Nablus governorate with 8 notices.

The occupation authorities are studying 5 new plans

Shaaban explained that the occupation authorities studied last November a total of 5 master plans (deposit) for the purpose of expanding the settlements of the West Bank and Jerusalem. The West Bank targeted the construction of a total of 311 colonial units on an area estimated at 69 dunams of citizens’ land, while plans within the borders of the city of Jerusalem aimed to build 800 colonial units on an area estimated at 12 dunams of citizens’ land.


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1396 attacks carried out by Israeli occupation and its settlers in November